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McFarlane Mania

Most collectors who grew up reading comics in the late 80’s and early 90’s will no doubt recall the phenomena that was Todd McFarlane with fond memories. Heck, it feels like it was just yesterday that his were the most anticipated covers of the month.

While He had some notable turns with DC on Infinity, Inc. Detective Comics, and then the Invasion event book, McFarlane achieved legendary status revolutionizing not only the art for Incredible Hulk, but the Amazing Spider-Man. He forever changed the way artists drew webs for Spidey ever again and in the process had one of the biggest comic best sellers of all time with his Spider-Man #1 which sold over 2.5 million copies.

His cover art has long been sought after and nearly impossible to obtain, way before he left Marvel to create Spawn and form Image Comics with a passel of other highly talented creators including Jim Lee, Erik Larsen, Marc Silvestri, Rob Liefeld, Whilce Portacio, and Jim Valentino back in 1992.

Now, there is one huge story brewing on ebay with one of Todd’s covers currently being auctioned off. With a little over 4 days remaining the original cover art for Amazing Spider-Man #313 sits at $40,100.00.

Amazing Spider-Man #313 cover by Todd McFarlane on ebay. About as close to my collection as if it were on Pluto.

That really is amazing. I’m sure it is a fact not unnoticed by only the handful of folks who own a McFarlane Spidey cover and is a testament to just how important an artist the artist turned toy maker McFarlane truly is. He may be the father of hyper detail that has influenced some many other talented artists like Greg Capullo, David Finch, and Josh Medors.

All this really means is that now I will be that much further away from ever owning one of the holy grails of the comic art world.

When Comic Artists Attack

A place where some regular joe’s go to hang out with their friends and shoot the shit. Kind of like Cheers populated with comic artists. That is what ComicTwart is like and if you haven’t checked it out yet you should make it a part of your daily routine.

Some bright, fun artists including Mitch Breitweiser, Chris Samnee, Andy Kuhn, Francesco Francavilla and many others tackle a subject in their own unique way. It is the con sketch ala Twitter tweets.

Here is one of my favorites from new Detective Comics Commissioner Gordon back-up feature artist Francesco Francavilla, Ben Grimm, Private Eye.

Franceso Francavilla imagines Ben Grimm as a PI for ComicTwart.